Construction Recruiting
Construction is as specialized as any profession in the spectrum of business
From different construction methods to the full array of structure types, there is no substitute for hands on experience in a particular project type or delivery method. Being able to understand this and then know the companies that specialize in that type of construction is a key to saving you valuable time in your construction recruiting efforts. You don’t have to educate us. From design/build to CM and GC, we have worked with all types of construction firms and the various delivery methods and contract types. Appreciating the intricacies and nuances of each allows us to key in on the exact type of experienced professional you need, and helps you avoid lengthy training periods and potential mistakes.
A Successful Search
President, National Firm
A national design/build contraction firm recognized that the landscape had changed dramatically following the recession and new leadership was required to institute change to adapt to the new market conditions. The PJ Lewis Group was retained to conduct a nationwide search to locate a new President that had exposure to new markets and had been through serious downturns. After numerous conferences with the Chairman and Executive Committee, a list of “change experience requirements” was developed and a highly targeted search plan was conceived and deployed. The PJ Lewis Group identified companies and the key leaders that had negotiated prior downturns in the market and had succeeded and grew despite the market conditions. Six highly talented candidates were interviewed and one hired within a four month timeframe. The company is now into its second consecutive year of increased revenue.

Our Construction Recruiting Approach
From architecture and design through construction, leasing and finance, PJ Lewis recruits for all phases of the lifecycle for income-producing properties.
Our real estate recruiting process includes all of the typical elements: research, recruiting, evaluation, interview coordination, offer and acceptance. Where we differ is in our planning and preparation, and in being able to identify critical personality traits and characteristics to ensure the right match. Spending upfront time listening to critical goals, methods, practices and values allows us to compare and contrast them with the candidates and the level of importance to them